Choose an option to show the help dedicaced on it.
The software use icons for each action. Below list and actions for each of them.
Allow you to come back to 2FA list
Allow you yo add an 2FA key
Allow you to show configuration page
Allow you to show password page
Allow you to show cloud synchronisation page
Allow you to force cloud synchronisation
Allow you to show languages menu
Allow you to change language to french
Allow you to change language to english
Allow you to come back to previous step
Allow you to go on next step
Allow you to validate the request
Allow you to show page "About"
Allow you to launch browser with donation webpage
Allow you to launch browser with software website
Allow you to copy into clipboard
Allow you to show QRCode of 2FA key
Allow you to show 2FA key or QRCode
Allow you to edit 2FA key or to show clear password
Allow you to use biometry in place of password use
Allow you to delete function or selected key
Allow to send application to the "SystemTray" (to the right of the taskbar)
Allow you to exit the software
Add 2FA key is simplified and in 2 step (maximum) that can be done.
You can reach the add menu for 2FA key () from 2FA list ().
With Windows, You need to enter the key, title and subtitle (optional) and the mode for 2FA key. Registering will be immediat after validation.
(If you use cloud synchronisation, save is launch automatically)
With Android, you need to enter the key or scan it with camera then enter title, subtitle (optional) and mode for the 2FA key. Registering will be immediat after validation.
(If you use cloud synchronisation, save is launch automatically)
Edition of 2FA key is limited only for field title and subtitle.
You can reach edition menu of 2FA key () after have choosen 2FA from 2FA list ().
Edition will permit to modify title and subtitle (optional) of 2FA key. Update will be immediate after your validation.
(If you use cloud synchronisation, save is launch automatically)
Throught this menu, you can also delete () FA key. That will be effective after your validation.
(If you use cloud synchronisation, save is launch automatically)
You can showing QRCode and 2FA key to use it on another device or to use another software.
You can reach showing of QRcode or 2FA key () after have choosen a 2FA into the 2FA list ().
With Windows, you can view the 2FA key and QRCode directly, QRCode could be scanned by mobile phone/tablet.
With Android, you can view the QRCode and with one click on button to change view () you can show 2FA key to enter it manually. QRCode could be scanned by mobile phone/tablet.
The software permit to lock showing of some page by using password.
You can reach the password creation mode () by using configuration menu ().
You can choose after the password to enter and which zone will be locked.
(By default, access at configuration page is protected when you activated password)
You can also delete use of the password by using the dedicaced icon ().
Please note : Enter the password for unlocking is valid until close of the software.
The woftware permit to synchronize 2FA key with cloud.
You can reach cloud synchronisation mode () by using configuration menu ().
You can, after, write authentification ionformation to use or click on the link to create an account.
If you are already connected, you can force a synchronisation ().
You can also delete the use of cloud synchronisation by clicking on the dedicaced icon ().
Please note : synchronisation is automatic at each launch, add, update or delete of 2FA key.
On Windows, where keys are stored ?
Keys are stored into a encrypted database (added with encrypted data) under personal folder of the user which launch the application : %AppData%\potier-me\Ker2FA